Co-Authored with her sister, Tatum Green, book helps children and families deal with grief and loss, offering comfort and hope
Nashville, Tenn. (January 6, 2025) — New York Times best-selling author, speaker and podcast host Annie F. Downs has announced the February 18th release of Where Did TJ Go? (Baker Books) co-authored with her sister, Tatum Green.
After Green suffered the loss of a baby, Downs wrote a story for her nephew, Sam, about where his baby brother TJ went. Beautifully illustrated by Jennie Poh, Where Did TJ Go? helps grieving families explain what happened and what kind of experiences a child might be having in heaven with the God who loves them and makes everything good in its time. Tender and sincere, this story doesn’t shy away from the hurt even as it offers comfort and hope to those left behind. Watch the two sisters talk about the book and their story here.

“We are so hopeful that this book will serve families in their grief – giving parents some tools for starting conversations with their kids, and giving kids some vision and hope about eternity,” comments Downs.
As the book explains, when a baby is on the way, everyone gets excited, including the little girls and boys who will have a new baby brother or sister to teach, play with, and care for. But sometimes things don’t work out as expected. Sometimes a baby doesn’t thrive. Sometimes they die and sometimes they can’t even be born. When a loss like this happens, it’s hard on everyone–especially young children who wonder what happened to their baby brother or sister. Where are they now? Are they safe? Do they feel sad too? What about all the wonderful things they would have done if they had lived? Will they get to do them in heaven?
“When TJ passed away, we wanted a book to read to Sam that would give all of us a little peace and hope in the midst of unimaginable pain,” adds Green. “We hope that other families will find a similar comfort as they read our story together and know that they aren’t alone.”
About Annie F. Downs:
Annie F. Downs is a New York Times bestselling author, sought-after speaker, and successful podcast host based in Nashville, Tennessee. Engaging and honest, she makes readers and listeners alike feel as if they’ve been long-time friends. Founder of the That Sounds Fun Podcast Network — which includes her K-LOVE Fan Award-nominated, 100M-downloaded aptly named flagship show “That Sounds Fun,” and the wildly popular and deeply meaningful “Let’s Read The Gospels” podcast, which has exceeded 10 million downloads and launched Single Purpose League. A patreon community for anyone who is unmarried, the league includes a monthly podcast episode and a regular chapter meeting hosted by Downs, among other membership premiums.
As an author, Downs has sold over 1 million books, including 100 Days to Brave, Remember God, and That Sounds Fun, and no matter the topic, shoots straight and doesn’t shy away from the tough stuff, always finding her way back to the truth that God is good and that life is a gift, and is dedicated to creating thoughtful content that resonates with a wide audience ranging from her fellow faith sojourners down to her miniBFFs.
Downs is a huge fan of laughing with friends, confetti, soccer, and boiled peanuts (preferably from a back-roads Georgia gas station). She has been featured in The Wall St. Journal, on Good Morning America, The Today Show’s “Wellness Today” and more. Read more at and find her (embarrassingly easily) all over the internet as anniefdowns.