Written by: Kelly Meade (10/19/22)

There comes a time we all hit our breaking point. When that happens, we may lash out in anger at loved ones, become a shell of our true selves or lean into destructive habits. Whether it’s from being overworked, feeling under appreciated or being completely exhausted, we run the risk of not only hurting ourselves, but also those closest to us without even realizing it.

Glass Walls tells the story of two couples who have grown apart and desperately need to reconnect. Billy & Doug are pastors that are burnt out as a result of the stress & discord within their churches. With their congregations, marriages and personal beliefs being stretched beyond their limits, Billy & his wife Jodi along with Doug & his wife Sharon are encouraged to spend time at a ministry retreat to work through their issues.

With the help of Minister Ozzy and the retreat’s therapist Jessica, the couples start to slowly open up to them and to each other. Through sessions that prompt communication & activities to start breaking down the walls they’ve built up, Billy, Jodi, Doug & Sharon rediscover their joy and begin a journey towards healing – while having a little fun along the way!

We can sometimes push our own problems aside in favor of not wanting to burden others or out of fear of how we’ll be perceived. This can especially be true for Christians when we are worried that our faith will appear weak if we reveal our true feelings when someone asks “how are you?”. It doesn’t have to be this way. With characters we all can relate to, Glass Walls gives you an honest look at issues that so many struggle with and values the importance of conversation, rest & time to deal with stress in a healthy way.

Glass Walls is available on DVD now and streaming through JCFilms.org

Cast includes:
Eddie McClintock as Billy
Kristi Lawrence as Jodi
Jedidiah Jones as Doug
Melissa Farley as Sharon
Dean Cain as Ozzy
Sandy Kim as Jessica


Released: September 2022 (DVD)

Running Time: 95 Minutes (JC Films)

Rated NR

Links for Glass Walls:

Official Site


