Written by: Kelly Meade (02/13/24)
Throughout life, we may not always be able to see the path God has for us or exactly how He is working, but every twist and turn along the way will bring us to where we are meant to be living out His purpose for our lives.
I Will Survive follows the journey of music icon Gloria Gaynor as she sets out to record her first ever gospel album after 40 years in the music business. Faced with rejection from many in the industry in the process of trying to get the album made only makes Gloria more determined to overcome everything that stands in her way to complete the project.
We see the many highs and lows that Gloria endured as she found her way to music stardom in the early 70s earning her place as the Queen of Disco. At the height of her career, her personal life was tumultuous between a debilitating back injury that initially left her paralyzed from the waist down prior to undergoing surgery among other personal challenges.
Regardless of age, physical ability or lack of support from the majority of her peers in the music world, Gloria defied the odds as faith became her cornerstone and a desire to share what God had done and continues to do in her life grew stronger. With a renewed passion and drive, Gloria has shown everyone that as long as there is breath in our lungs, our lives have value and we are able to help and serve others well when we use the gifts God has given to glorify Him.
As God led Gloria to the right people to help bring her vision of a gospel album to life, the result is a soulful, honest recording featuring collaborations with fellow artists and something that will forever be an example of never giving up on the dream God has placed inside you. The aptly titled Testimony shares not only Gloria’s personal testimony of faith, but it and this inspiring documentary are sure to encourage viewers as they seek to discover who God created them to be.
Gloria Gaynor: I Will Survive is in theaters TODAY (2/13/24) only! For theater locations, showtimes and tickets, visit: https://gloriagaynoriwillsurvivemovie.com/#home
Released: 02/13/24 (Theatrically)
Running Time: 99 Minutes (Production Studio Name)
Rated NR
Links for Gloria Gaynor: I Will Survive: