Written by: Kelly Meade (10/19/2016)

I’m Not Ashamed documents the story of Rachel Joy Scott, a student at Columbine High School in the late 1990’s. Based on true events and entries from her personal journal, the movie tells of the days leading up to the horrific massacre that took place at Columbine on April 20, 1999.

Following her life from childhood until that tragic day, she is portrayed as a caring individual who struggles with her own ups & downs. Although Rachel was raised in a Christian home, we see her make some poor choices as she tries to fit in to certain crowds at school.

 When she spends a summer with her aunt & cousins, she decides to rededicate her life to God. Before Rachel leaves them, her aunt gives her a journal in which she writes down her prayers, hopes and fears.

As she returns to school in the fall, she strives to maintain her promise to God. She is shown dealing with peer pressures of drinking & parties. Most of the time she appears able to resist the temptations around her, however we see her give in as well as the consequences she faces afterwards.

Along the way she befriends a young man, Nathan, who recently became homeless. She buys food for him & his mother and invites him to a youth group function. Nathan becomes a voice of reason for Rachel & tries to protect her from things that pull her into darkness. After experiencing a series of low points, Rachel once again becomes determined to turn her life around and truly live as a light for God.

We see the different cliques form in the school and get a glimpse into the mindset of a young man who is consumed with hate towards Christians, bullies, wealthy students & the school in general as he plots to get revenge on those he feels are unworthy of living. He convinces a friend to help him carry out his vendetta as they plot to kill fellow students and blow up the school.

On the day they intend to enact their plan, Rachel is seen making amends with a friend and being a source of encouragement & support to others before being confronted by pair and questioned about her faith as she becomes the first victim of their attack.

The movie as a whole is definitely difficult to watch knowing what the ending will bring, but it is also inspiring seeing the bold faith displayed by Rachel and other characters she interacts with. The film is sure to spark conversations as it causes viewers to ask themselves if they were presented with the same question of what they believe, would you willingly proclaim your belief in God or deny it?

Cast includes:
Masey McLain – Rachel Joy Scott
Ben Davies – Nathan Ballard
Terri Minton – Beth Nimmo
Cameron McKendry – Alex Dickerson
Sadie Robertson – Charity
Korie Robertson – Aunt Bea
Jaci Velasquez – Mrs. Diaz
David Errigo Jr. – Eric Harris
Cory Chapman – Dylan Klebold


Released: 10/21/16 (Theatrically)

Running Time: 112 Minutes (Pureflix)

Rated PG-13 for thematic material, teen drinking and smoking, disturbing violent content and some suggestive situations.

Links for I’m Not Ashamed:

Official Site


