Written by: Kelly Meade (02/16/24)
Miracles happen all around us. Big, small and often unexpected, God works in more ways than we can fathom. Based on actual events, Ordinary Angels tells the story of the Schmitt family as they’re faced with a challenge that at times seems impossible to overcome.
After the loss of his wife, Ed Schmitt must raise his two young daughters on his own. The youngest of whom, Michelle, is dealing with a life-threatening health issue that becomes increasingly difficult to manage physically & financially.
Local hairdresser Sharon Stevens learns of Schmitt family’s hardship and feels called to help in some way. As someone who has been dealing with personal battles of her own, Sharon sees this as a way to shift the focus from herself and make a difference in someone else’s life. With this new found purpose, Sharon holds a fundraiser in her salon to raise money for Michelle’s medical bills but soon learns the family needs more than just monetary help.
Ed is a hardworking, dedicated father determined to provide for his daughters on his own terms. While he’s grateful for Sharon’s help, he is also reluctant to continue seeking financial assistance from strangers. After a disagreement and with tensions running high, both Ed & Sharon learn more about themselves as their unlikely friendship grows.
When an emergency arises during a terrible snowstorm, the Schmitt family discovers just how far Michelle’s story has reached as the community comes together to join the family in the fight to save her life.
Acts of kindness, finding hope and healing are at the center of Ordinary Angels as it explores what is possible when we set aside our pride and allow God to work in and through our lives. What may seem like a small gesture can make the biggest impact on someone else. Visit https://ordinaryangels.movie/ for theaters and tickets to see this inspiring film!
Cast includes:
Alan Ritchson as Ed Schmitt
Hilary Swank as Sharon Stevens
Nancy Travis as Barbara Schmitt
Amy Acker as Theresa Schmitt
Emily Mitchell as Michelle Schmitt
Skywalker Hughes as Ashley Schmitt
Drew Powell as Pastor Dave Stone
Released: 02/23/24 (Theatrically)
Running Time: 116 Minutes (Kingdom Story Company)
Rated PG for thematic content, brief bloody images and smoking.
Links for Ordinary Angels: