Written by: Jay Heilman (5/16/2024)

The United States Navy’s Blue Angels jet squadron have a long and illustrious history dating back to its first flight in 1946. For the last (nearly) eight decades, these aircraft and their talented and gifted pilots have been thrilling aviation fans of all ages annually at airshows around the world.  For those who have been lucky enough to witness this celebrated squadron in person, you will know right off the bat that aside from the US Air Force’s Thunderbirds™ – there is no other jet that is more familiar to more people around the planet than the famed, Blue Angels.

2024 brings a brand-new documentary that was produced by Glen Powell (Top Gun: Maverick) and JJ Abrams (Star Wars, Star Trek), directed by veteran documentary filmmaker Paul Crowder (Jim Henson: Idea Man, Riding Giants) called The Blue Angels, an immersive experience that delves deeper into the history of these magnificent aircraft, as told by the veteran pilots and new comers that fly them.  As a history buff myself, I knew a lot about the squadron from on-line research and older documentaries that I had seen over the years, but The Blue Angels documentary film goes above and beyond anything made previously, and what really sets this film a part from anything preceding it, is that it was filmed in IMAX, to enhance the theater going experience for those who lucky enough to see it in theaters prior to its May 23rd Amazon Prime Video premiere.  If you are as just as much of a fan of these jets as I am, having grown up watching these jets speed across the sky overhead before making a near mach-2 vertical climb towards the heavens, then you will really enjoy this film.  Its dazzling aerial views of the squadron in flight along with the commentary from the brave and daring men and women who fly them is a special added bonus.

For veteran fans of the jets, you’ll love them even more after watching this one.  From the first time I saw them at Wright-Patterson AFB in 1988 at the young age of seven, I have been a lifelong fan.  So, if you have a fascination with the world of jet planes like I do, you could probably think of your favorites off the top of your head.  For me, there’s nothing better than seeing the US Navy’s distinguished Blue Angels squadron fly over head in spectacular fashion at air shows across the country.

There’s a little something for everyone in this film.  For the younger kids that are just now discovering the Blue Angels, its a great introduction and definitive hype to see them the next time they perform in your local city and state.  For me and other veteran fans, it offers a fascinating dive into learning more about the distinguished history of these beautiful aircraft and the heroic pilots who pilot them.  I was lucky enough to see the film on both Amazon Prime Video and in the theater in IMAX – which I might add serves as an incredibly immersive experience – one that will take you to the edge of your seat and back!  Make plans to see it, it’s a thrilling ride of a film!


Released: 5/17/2024 (Theatrically) 5/23/2024 (Amazon Prime Video)

Running Time: 94 Minutes (Amazon Studios / Bad Robot)

Rated G

Links for The Blue Angels:

Official Site