Written by: Laura Chambers (10/14/2016)

There is no greater love letter than God’s word. And yet, for all of His ardent words, the simple truth that God loves us often becomes drowned out by all of the “thou shalt not”s, through no fault of His. It is one of the reasons people are reluctant to trust Jesus; they are afraid of being let down. When we finally stop fighting Him and allow ourselves to rest in His love, a longing wells up in our hearts to respond with love back. Grace Chapel Worship pours out a fragrant perfume in their new live recording, So Loved, a project whose songs were not written with a project in mind, proving that sometimes things just come together perfectly.

The joyful plea “Meet Us Here” is a unanimous invitation asking God’s transforming presence to change us and the world around us. Worshippers seem to run into the house of God, waving flags, eager to be in His presence.  He is the only thing we want and need. “Crown Him” is a triumphant redux of the hymn “Crown Him With Many Crowns”, adding a chorus that drives the song upwards with the force of a cannon. When I listen to this song, it feels as though I am soaring to new heights. “One True Love” recognizes that Jesus is the source of real love, and the only one worthy of worship.  This love gives hope to all, regardless of age or race. There is nobody quite like Jesus; no one can love us like He does! “Name Above” lifts up the name that is already higher than any other. Looking forward to witnessing the day when people of every kind will all bow before Him. The melody of this song dips and swells like waves, as though worshippers have become an ocean.

“Christ Be All” reads like a vow to consider Jesus everything in every moment, from here on in towards eternity. Featuring Adie and Jeremy Camp, this stirring confession of devotion is sure to find a home in many hearts and churches. While Adie’s heartfelt love shines through, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’d like to hear an alternate version of this track where Jeremy takes the lead on this song. “Greater Still” forcefully declares Jesus to be stronger than every power that would assail us. Nothing can separate us from Him; we have that assurance once and for all through the cross. It’s a hope we can cling to until the end of our days. “My Victory” celebrates everything Jesus has won for us and responds with praises and glory to Him. We are redeemed from our sins and don’t have to live in fear anymore. With a quick pace that could be described as the beating of a grateful heart, it’s got a rhythm that invites hand-waving.  “Just The Thought Of You” becomes excited by merely remembering the goodness of Jesus. There is nobody who can inspire such passion like He can, enough so words don’t seem adequate. You might want to leave you seat and dance a little yourself.

“Love” assures us that love is available to all, regardless of their challenges or seeming disqualifications. There’s a moment in the song that feels like an emotional release set to music, as though those who felt left out now let out the breath they’ve been holding and embrace the love of Jesus for the first time.  “Face To Face”, while appreciating all of the beautiful things God has made, recognizes that none of these will compare to seeing Jesus himself face to face, as He is, completely.  Ultimately, He is our one longing, despite our beliefs that other things will satisfy. “The Table” portrays the sacrament of communion as a moment to surrender and receive it in empty hands.  When we are seated at the Lord’s table, we remember His extravagant gift of grace and life. The song has a hushed, reverent quality to it, as though this is a sacred moment deserving of a quiet atmosphere.  Lastly, “Redeemed” closes out the album with the acknowledgement that Jesus has cancelled out our debts and restored us to Himself.  This song makes me think of those TV ads for stage musicals, especially at its ending. You know, one of those rousing scenes where the whole cast ensemble lifts their hands. Really inspiring.

Despite the fact that it’s spelled out in God’s word, it can be difficult to grasp the reality of Jesus’ love; to fully understand the implications of a sacrifice made and debts repaid. So Loved interprets these concepts for us, expressing the precious gift His love is in words we can understand.


Released: 10/7/16

Label: Grace House Music

Track Listing:

  1. Meet Us Here (3:57)
  2. Crown Him (4:50)
  3. One True Love (3:58)
  4. Name Above (5:48)
  5. Christ be All (5:26)
  6. Greater Still (5:08)
  7. My Victory (4:32)
  8. Just The Thought Of You (4:52)
  9. Love (4:06)
  10. Face To Face (5:27)
  11. The Table (4:25)
  12. Redeemed (4:36)

12 Tracks, 57:05

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More from Grace Chapel Worship:

  • Grace Chapel Live: Freedom Songs (2012)
  • Songs of the Incarnation: Ever With Us (2015)

Links for Grace Chapel Worship:

Official Site


